In other to be among the next generation of Steve Jobs and Bill Gates, you must get inspiration and ideas from God, know how to use your ideas and inspiration, know how to convert your knowledge into wisdom and how to convert your inner energy into a tangible product.
This book will teach you
1.How to convert your inner energy into tangible product
2.How to get inspiration
3.How to get ideas from God
4.How to use your ideas and inspiration
5.How to convert your knowledge into wisdom
6.How to have a developed mind
7.How to create mental pictures
8.How to convert your religiosity into concrete results
9.How to become an inventor
10.How to live the best life
Victoria Ann –
A major problem of people today is not the lack of inspiration. Most people have ideas, however, the trouble is the inability to bring to life those inspiration and ideas that have been conceived. Some people have wondered why it seems to be only a few people at the top of the ladder of creativity; ie: Mark Zuckerberg, Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, Warren Buffet.
This books explains that nothing makes these men special, other their ability to convert their ideas into tangible, visible products. These men became great only thanks to their ability to lock up themselves and convert their ideas. How did they do this? Find out by reading this book.
Religion and the world system has successfully shut down the geniuses in people, but the solution to this problem lies in the pages of this book. Break free from these shackles and discover how to become a co-creator with God. Discover how to convert your dreams and ideas into invention.
This book is all about conversion, just like these great inventors, anyone can give life to their ideas by applying the practical principles and laws shared by Dr Sunday Adelaja in this revolutionary book. Conversion, conversion, conversion, wake up from your dream and start converting like Steve Jobs and Bill Gates, just like Joseph in the bible who created a food storage system that preserved food for 14 whole years, you can convert your dreams into visible inventions,products or services by applying the principles shared in this book.