About Us

DSAbooks Planet is a one stop online store for Dr.Sunday Adelaja books and materials.  We operate from Lagos and we have in the past two and half years consistently shipped to all our clients within any part of Nigeria and Ghana without any hitches. Our customers have expressed enormous confidence in us and have never had cause to complain of non-delivery of their booked and paid items.

Through the support of our delivery partners, we are now able to also ship to any location in Africa and any part of the globe.

Our books cater to the needs of almost every category of persons- we have materials for religious and circular leaders, professionals, single, entrepreneurs, married, unemployed and job seekers, teenagers and aged.

Pastor Sunday through his books and messages has dealt with almost any issue or question common to man, such as finances, marriage, death, productivity, time and conversion, dealing with crises, love, sex, parenting, leadership, values, goals, living purposefully and self-discovery just to mention but a few.

Everyone who has ever read any of our books or listened to any of the messages testifies that his teachings are second to none and life transforming

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